letting goIt’s Friday! Which means, time for another Virtual Coffee Date. I’m really enjoying doing these. Life has been so crazy lately that I haven’t been able to post as regularly as I normally do. Doing these Friday coffee date posts helps me feel like I’m staying in better touch with my readers when my head feels full to the brim! 

Today’s Thich Nhat Hanh quote talks about letting go —  of anger, anxiety and possessions. This means a lot to me this week as I let go of our apartment in Addison and get ready for our move to Fort Worth. As I let go of anxiety about moving, starting a new job, worrying about wedding details, etc. As I practice letting go, I can experience the freedom of living in the moment.  

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that last week I was in 3 Texas cities in a matter of 3 days. On Wednesday, I went to Waco for a conference for my new job. Afterwards, I couldn’t help but stop at Magnolia Market for some shopping! 

I picked up some vases and beautiful silk flowers for our new apartment. Probably spent way more than I should, but I couldn’t help myself! I also got three new napkins for food photography shoots. 

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I was contacted by Sprouts Farmer’s Market to do some contract recipe development/photography for their new website they’re launching this summer. My first recipe development gig, I couldn’t be more excited!! 

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I also went to Austin last weekend for one of my best friend’s bachelorette party. On Friday night, we went to a pole dancing/ariel yoga class! It was so much fun, everyone had a great time laughing and trying to  keep up with our instructors. 

Saturday morning, we drove out to Hamilton Pool. WOW, so gorgeous! The water was so blue/green and the waterfall was 50 feet tall. It was a little cloudy but it was perfect because we didn’t get sunburned. 


We rented out a big house out in the hill country in west Austin. The whole second floor had a wrap-around balcony overlooking a beautiful valley. I could have stayed out there forever– would be the perfect place for morning yoga! 


Saturday night we got all dressed up and went out to 6th Street. This is Karen, one of my longest friends! We met in sixth grade choir class. Friends for over 15 years… now that’s a long time! She’s getting married two months before I am. 

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you about how I got to stand on the Dallas Cowboy’s field! We hosted a work event in the Miller Light room on floor-level and afterwards they let us go onto the field to snap some pics.

I’ve been at my new job for three full weeks now! So far, I’m really enjoying it. One of my main projects I’ll be working on is Fuel Up to Play 60, which is a program developed by the National Dairy Council and the NFL! 

And the last thing I’d tell you if we were having coffee this morning… only 6 days left in our apartment! This weekend we’ll get to go see our new apartment in person for the first time and start to move some things over. Not looking forward to the whole moving process, but it’s better for both of us. Nick works in downtown Fort Worth and my new job has a territory of Fort Worth as well, so it couldn’t be any more perfect. 

Our new apartment has 3 X the closet space (6 closets instead of 2), and a GIANT patio. I’m talking 8×22 feet! I can’t wait to put a table and chairs out there, a grill, a lounge chair and plant some flowers and herbs. 

Next Friday I’ll have some pictures of our new apartment! 

If we were having coffee this morning, what would you tell me?